Some beautiful drawings

A few paintings this week and a notebook

Another week and lots of works in progress

This week in the barn

Water-based oil paints

I am trying to paint Kate and Eric’s wood, not sure it is working but will keep at it

Knitting a fleece

Viv was knitting with yarn that created a thick fleece, by using small needles, the result is like fabric. She was making a blanket for her foster kittens

This is what we did this week

Weaving with pine needles

Kate and Eric are staying with us and we’ve been weaving little baskets with pine needles. Who would have thought?

More recent work

It’s been a while!

It has been many months since my last posting on this website – I thought that something had gone wrong with the site but apparently it was all down to Cookies !!!

So we have a lot of catching up to do